Saturday, 23 June 2012

Presents: Part 3

The 14th of April this year, I escaped my family duties for a day to visit Van Katoen in Belgium.
The MIAT was packed with a lot of sewing freaks. I liked what I saw: inventive people -little and big- working together for the better cause, beautiful creations, lots of people wearing lots of beautiful clothes, but I also saw fabric and a massive amount of buttons.
That day I promised a genuine Van Katoen bag to everybody of the organizing team, and promise is dept: ladies your bags are decorated, sewed together and ready to use.
Thanks for organizing Van Katoen!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Presents: Part 2

Today we distribute some more presents. The end of the school year lingers around the corner, so time to thank some teachers. The kids choose pencil cases for their teachers and the parents of Elias his class asked to make an apron with all the names of the kids of the class embroidered on it. Speaking of remembering all the little monsters.

Two party garlands were made, one for her. She gave us the idea and the fabric!

Genius fabric: Chalkcloth! You write a text for one party and wipe it off: ready for the next party, same garland, different text.
The other party garland is for M, because … I promised her.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Presents: part 1

Believe it or not we finally found some spare time this week! Time I invested in making a whole set of pencil cases to have some stock for upcoming Bday parties of the kids. If you soon celebrate something then you might be lucky to get something from this clothesline.

Two pencil cases were made for you, our faithful blog followers, facebook-likers and pinterest followers.
To make a chance to win 1 of these cases you have to follow this blog (click on followers in the right sidebar, enter your mailaddress and follow instructions, this does not result in extra mails in your inbox), follow us on pinterest, and/or like our facebook page (do not just like this picture, but like the actual page), do not forget to share this link, so you get an extra chance of winning 1 of these give aways.
The 24th of June the two winners will be announced.
Tomorrow you can read more about the other gifts we made this week and who they are for, keep an eye on this blog.

Sit back and relax

To give the broken collar bone the chance to heal, I got the advice to sit still and be patient. The first time I might not have followed this advice very strictly, so I lifted our 8 kg baby. I thought this was no problem as it did not really hurt, but the bone did not agree. The fracture, which was initially not displaced, shifted out of place.

Result: a couple extra weeks of sitting back and relaxing. So, I have lots of time to test chairs, beanbags, and couches but not so much luck on stitching.
My favorite chair of the moment is: The Flux Chair.

Genius: an envelope that folds into a comfortable designer chair. When folded it doesn’t take a lot of space, looks great, and on top of that feels good when you sit in it. The Flux chair is available in an adult and a Junior version.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Personalized in the pool

Lately the kids got the habit to swim without swimming clothes on, as their swimming trunks are worn to shreds!
This morning we received our newly ordered swimming trunks. All five the kids were super happy and had them immediately baptized.

We also love the other stuff she makes.

Party time

The end of the school year is approaching: so time for some last minute birthday parties. Louka her party should have been in January but the poor thing broke her wrist. So the party was postponed to a later date. Four months she needed to convince me to finally throw her party. And then, I decided two organize all the 2012 birthday parties at once, not the actual party of course! I chose two consecutive Saturdays, so the party fever is a little distributed and I do not see myself running around in our garden, checking on about 20 kids aged between 3 and 9 years old! But so I can send out the emails and make the party bags all in one go. Regarding those party bags: the result actually made me feel happy. (Not the pictures, as I do not seem to get them pictured properly). Every kid chose his own decoration for on the outside of the bag.

Inside the bags we put a T-shirt decorated with a drawing of the party animal and a matching badge. We also added a little bag with homemade kids tattoos, of course also with drawings the kids made their selves.

The party bags were sealed with some Washi Tape. Finally a container of gorgeous, colourful tape found its way to the Middle-East.
After the party, we enjoyed a warm bath and then we were ready to go to bed. The new Tshirts served as sleeping dresses.